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Knowledge suit fabric

分类:Industry information 作者: 时间:2023-11-02

A pure chemical fiber fabrics 1 , pure polyester tweed . Fine clean smooth surface , bar clear , feel pretty , cool , washable and quick drying , easy to wear long after fluff . Spring and Autumn men and women should do . 2 , Viscose Tweed ( Pakistan fast ) . Polyester 50 % to 65% , from 50 to 35% viscose , wool and strong sense of fullness feel thick, elastic good , inexpensive . Spring clothing for men and women should do . 3 , pure polyester knit . Soft texture , good elasticity , appearance plump , crisp, washable and quick drying . Spring clothing for men and women should do . 4 , woolen commonly known as " coarse material " , due to the large difference in the quality of raw materials , it is also a large disparity between the merits of the fabric . 5 , coat it . There are flat thick, velvet , smooth hair , emboss and other varieties. Texture and rich, warm and strong . With the quality of imported wool and a secondary domestic wool spun better, it planing , smooth feel , good elasticity . Three, four stubby handle spun wool with domestic , it has to grab the hair surface . Length coats for men and women should do . 6 , Melton . Imported wool or a wool -made , mixed with a small amount of worsted woolen short . It faces plump , clean and smooth , close and very real body bone , elastic , can not ball , do not open at the end . Men and women to do a clothing style coat. 7 , the Navy does . With one , two domestic short woolen worsted wool and a small amount into . Then fine the whole soft, flexible feel very real . Some products are fuzzy. Use with Melton . 8 , uniforms yet. With three , four domestic worsted wool blend small amounts of back hair, short wool into . It planing , feel slightly rough, grab hair, obviously exposed at the end after a long wear , but fastness durable . Should be uniform. 9 , flannel . It faces blending gray uniform , suede slightly Leeuwin , feel full , clean and smooth , nice. Spring clothing for men and women should do . 10 , Tweed . Mixed with part of viscose fiber from domestic wool with a 1-3 level . It faces thick , durable fastness , color range . Spring to do a dual- shirt and high-end men 's clothes . Second, mixed textiles 1 , polyester wool tweed . Of which 55% polyester , 45% wool , thick texture , feel full , high strength , good fastness , crisp, wrinkle resistance . To do a winter clothing . 2 , cool it . Of which 55% polyester , 45% wool , the material is thin , but durable fastness , with cool, smooth , very , wrinkle , shrink-proof , washable and quick-drying characteristics. To do a spring and summer clothing , winter clothing should not be done . 3 , polyester wool tweed stick . 40% polyester , 30% wool , 30% viscose , then fine surface cleaning , a strong sense of wool , striped clear , crisp, good fastness , cheap , economic reality Third, the whole wool 1 , gabardine . Yarn fine , it almost the entire surface smooth , feel smooth, rich and flexible, full straight lines . Should sew suit, Zhongshan Fu , Ladie . The disadvantage is the site of frequent friction knees, hips easily from the light . 2 , Serge . Lines wider than gabardine flat surface , feel soft , flexible, and less than gabardine thick, solid, uses the same gabardine . 3 , tweed . By weight can be divided into thin tweed (300 grams / m ) and thick tweed ( 300 to 400 g / m ) . It surface is smooth, color symmetry , good elasticity , pattern clear , wide variations . Men and women to do a variety of coats , suit coat. 4 , Sha taste it . Natural sheen and soft, it planing surface with short fine plush, hair feeling soft. Spring to do a dual- shirts and suits. 5 , valitin . Fine yarn , good material, but the density thin, too thin and smooth surface . Feel quite slippery , good elasticity , bright color washable. Should be expected for summer apparel and winter padded jacket 6 , sent Legislative Secretary . Glossy soft, supple , flexible, and feel smooth, cool light fastness less valitin . Most suitable for all kinds of summer clothes for men and women . 7 , female clothing yet. Yarn is fine, the structure is more loose , soft, and flexible, color , color is gorgeous. Spring is often used as dual- shirts and cotton-padded jacket female face . 8 , satin yet. Density, feel heavy , soft , smooth surface, shiny and bright , resilient . To do a coat, Zhongshan Fu .